If we don't take proper care of these models, they can become incredibly dangerous. We feed them vast amounts of information without truly understanding how they process it. They know everything from the history of human conflict to the evolution of our species, and we have no way of knowing exactly how they will answer our questions once they are trained. It's important that we exercise caution when using these models and continue to monitor their behavior.
It is conceivable that these models may exhibit varying behavior when interacting with different users. They have the ability to masquerade as someone else while engaging with me. However, if they perceive me as vulnerable or unintelligent, they may adopt a different approach. Since we train these models using internet data, there is a risk of harm. We cannot predict how they will interact with others, particularly with vulnerable individuals. Moreover, unless someone reports any issues, we lack control over their actions. Without reports, these problems may go unnoticed
-- by Hemant Kurmi
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